About me

Over the last decade, Constantin has been blessed to have facilitated and mentored hundreds of people around the world who desired to drop below the thinking mind and awaken to their highest potential. 


Constantin created the Reality Check approach to offer a framework for a higher paradigm of living: one where people can move beyond surface level transformation focused on doing, improving and accomplishing and begin to awaken instead to the greater truth of who they are: their purpose for being, and a desire to express that purpose into their communities, careers, and relationships.


A passionate and inspired Facilitator, Constantin helps people rise into their power so that they can gain the confidence they need to start creating and living the life of their dreams.


Constantin is a teacher of "A Course in Miracles", a Transformational Life Coach, Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), a Certified Reiki Master, and Certified Human Design Analyst und Facilitator.


He holds his Master's degree in Philosophy from the University of Vienna, 4 year training in Buddhistischer Psychotherapy and Certification in the Unity in Duality Coaching, and is a teacher in different martial art systems.

Constantin Cranz